After all the preparation for an audition being told no could seem like the end of the World. However, you shouldn’t look at it like this. Every audition is an opportunity. While you might not be suitable for that role, you have had the chance to be seen and it can happen that the director/casting director may think of you in the future for another role.
Take time to reflect on what happened during your audition but don’t over analyse it. Think if there was anything you could have done better then work on it so you are ready for the next time.
For every yes you get you may have been told no a hundred times over. You might not even make the audition stage. Applying for hundreds of roles and not even getting a response but don’t let this get you down ether. Being an actor is hard work – very very rarely do you get spotted and become famous overnight.
If after a while you find you are not getting auditions, think on changing your CV and cover letter (you can find examples online). Perhaps new head shots and updating your showreel to show you in the best light.
Keep applying for the roles you are suited for, networking and most importantly of all keep smiling.